
Return to In-Person / Regreso En-Persona

For our families who have chosen to return in person, check out the following link with map, uniform and important information. Para nuestras familias que han escogido regresar en persona, revise el enlace que contiene un mapa, información acerca deContinue Reading

First Day of School for Kinder and 1st Grade

Munroe Families, In the last week, DPS announced we will begin to gradually welcome back our kindergarten and first-grade students in-person during the weeks of Monday, Sept. 28 through Friday, Oct. 9. Our school has been collaborating with the districtContinue Reading

Future Dates/Fechas Futuras

10/16/2020 – No School – Conference Day No Hay Escuela – Día de Conferencias  10/19/2020 – No School – Staff Professional Development No Hay Escuela – Desarrollo Profesional para Maestros 10/20/2020 – No School – Staff Professional Development No Hay Escuela – DesarrolloContinue Reading